1. Guidelines on Complementary Package of Activities for Referral Hospital Development_2014
The most important parts for Biomedical Engineering:
4-4 Management of Medical Equipment and Workshop
The Complementary Package of Activities (CPA) requires a set of essential medical and non-medical equipment and materials with good condition for a hospital to have fully functional. Maintenance and repair broken equipment and materials are very important which requires to having one workshop in the hospital.
- Infrastructure (Buildings, Staff, Medical equipment)
- Procedure (Safety, Repair and Maintenance, Planning and Procurement, Maintenance System, Program for Maintenance, Reminding System, Technical library, Monitoring, Financial resource for maintenance)
5-2 Electricity Supply
6.9 Human Resource for Health
Annex 11: Personnel Standard
- CPA3 Referral Hospital (100-250 beds) – 5-7 Technicians for maintenance of equipment, material and facility
- CPA2 Referral Hospital (60-100 beds) – 3-5 Technicians for maintenance of equipment, material and facility
- CPA1 Referral Hospital (40-60 beds) – 2-3 Technicians for maintenance of equipment, material and facility
2. Manual of Medical Equipment Management for National & CPA3 Referral Hospitals_2010
The most important parts for Biomedical Engineering:
2. ME management
- What is Medical Equipment?
- Objective of ME management
- Life cycle of ME
- Activities of ME management (commissioning of ME, monitoring of ME conditions, Mean time to repair and mean time between Failures)
3. ME Management Working Group
- Roles of ME technician
ME Technician will be the responsible person for all of maintenance (preventive maintenance, minor repair, etc.) work of ME and activities of the workshop in the hospital. ME Technician has responsibilities of providing adequate maintenance services for proper operation and management of ME. ME Technician should report any information of ME to ME Manager or ME Deputy manager all the time.
- Job descriptions
Maintain all of ME in the hospital to keep in good condition following to ME Maintenance Guidebook,
Manage and arrange the workshop properly,
Prepare and conduct Monitoring of ME condition (semiannual updating of ME) and make report of ME conditions (Form 3-2) collaborating with Deputy ME Manager,
Make ME maintenance report (Form-3-3),
Make annual action plan and semiannual report of activities of maintenance of ME and other work,
Take action (report to ME manager) for failure ME, which cannot be solved by ME Technician,
Check and record MTTR for targeted ME (essential use) at your hospital upon the ME occur failure or out of order and fill in the data into the “Log book of ME for MTTR” (Form 3-4),
Execute minor repair of ME, if necessary,
Support ME Manager and ME Deputy Manager any work for maintenance and management of ME,
Support medical staff (ME operator) necessary to work for operation and maintenance of ME,
Take action on countermeasure which is concerned with ME maintenance.
4. Method of ME Management
- Registration of ME
- Monitoring Work
- ME Management Report
5. Annexes
- Annual Action plan of ME technician (Form 3-1)
- ME monitoring Sheet (Form 3-2)
- Medical Equipment standard List (Annex-3)
- ME Information Sheet (Form 2-4)
- ME condition report (Form 2-2)
- ME Maintenance Report (Form 3-3)
3. Guidelines on Minimum Package of Activities For Health Center Development_2007
The most important parts for Biomedical Engineering:
3-2 Medical Materials Management and Maintenance
7: Medical Equipment and Furniture
4. Technical Guideline for the Acceptance of Second-hand Medical Equipment_2011
The whole document is extremely important for all Biomedical Engineers in hospitals providing important information on how to ensure that the second-hand ME is safe, efficient and accurate.
5. WHO_Medical equipment maintenance programme overview_2011
The most important parts for Biomedical Engineering:
Introduction, Purpose and Maintenance related definitions
- Inspection and preventive maintenance, and corrective maintenance, Acceptance testing, calibration, failure, inspection, repair
4. Maintenance program planning
- Financial and human resources, workspace, Operation and service manuals
5. Management
- Keeping records – computerized maintenance management systems
- Service agreement types
Appendix A
- Initial testing and evaluation
- Inspection and preventive maintenance procedure
- Work order system for corrective maintenance
- Corrective actions identified during preventive maintenance
Appendix D
- New equipment received form
Appendix E
- Tags and labels – record of inspection, record of inspection results, Notification of defect
Appendix G
- Responsibilities, roles, and job description
6. Medical_Equipment_Maintenance_GuideBook_PartA
The most important parts for Biomedical Engineering:
Definition of Terms
2. Roles of Medical Equipment (ME) Maintenance technician
- Maintenance Workshop requirement
- Role of ME Maintenance Technician
- Job description of ME Technician
- Medical Equipment Maintenance Job Record
3. Medical Equipment Services Request Flow
- Sample-1: ME Maintenance Request Letter from Hospital to MoH
- Sample-2: ME Maintenance Request Letter from PHD to MoH
4. Preventive Maintenance
- Planned Preventive Maintenance
- Essential and Common Medical Equipment
- Regular Maintenance
- How to Manage and Control the Maintenance Job Records
- Registration and Inventory list
5. Spare parts Management
6. Role of Operator about Medical Equipment
- Operator / User should acquire appropriate method of operation for ME
- Environmental condition for installation place of ME
- Regular Maintenance of ME by Operator / User
7. Basic Clinical Engineering
8. Evaluation of Usability for the Medical Equipment
9. Lesson Learned on ME Maintenance from NMCHC
12. Basic Theory of Electricity
13. Electrical Testing Instruments
14. Cleaning Management
15. Infection Control
7. Medical_Equipment_Maintenance_GuideBook_PartB
The whole document is extremely important for all Biomedical Engineers in hospitals providing information on how to perform electrical and functional tests of various medical devices.