Study Materials


General Medical Equipment and Medical Equipment Maintenance Laboratory tasks_part 1

General Medical Equipment and Medical Equipment Maintenance Laboratory tasks_part 1_khmer

General Medical Equipment and Medical Equipment Maintenance Laboratory tasks_part 2

General Medical Equipment and Medical Equipment Maintenance Laboratory tasks_part 2_khmer


Available Study Materials at UHS:


1.Clinical Engineering Handbook – 2nd Edition – December 4, 2019, Editor: Ernesto Iadanza

2.Medical Devices: Regulations, Standards and Practices, 2015, Seeram Ramakrishna, ‎Lingling Tian, ‎Charlene Wang

3.Maintenance and repair of laboratory, diagnostic imaging, and hospital equipment, 1994, WHO

4.Medical Devices: A Practical Guide, 2022, Prakash Srinivasan, Timiri Shanmugam

5.Medical Devices: Improving Health Care Through a multidisciplinary approach, 2022, Carlo Boccato, ‎Sergio Cerutti, ‎Joerg Vienken

6.Medical Device Guidelines and Regulations Handbook, 2022, Prakash Srinivasan, Timiri Shanmugam, ‎Pugazhenthan Thangaraju, ‎Nandakumar Palani

7.Basic safety of Emergency Use Medical Devices, 2020, AAMI

8.Medical Instrumentation in the Developing World, 2006, Robert Malkin

9.Guidelines on Complementary Package of Activities for Referral Hospital Development (June 2014, MoH)

10.Manual of Medical Equipment Management for National & CPA3 Referral Hospitals (July 2010, MoH)

11.Guidelines on Minimum Package of Activities For Health Center Development (December 2007, MoH)

12.Technical guideline for the acceptance of second-hand medical equipment (December 2011, MoH)

13.Medical equipment maintenance programme overview (2011, WHO)

14.Medical Equipment Maintenance Guidebook Part A (December 2008, MoH)

15.Medical Equipment Maintenance Guidebook Part B (December 2008, MoH)



Available Study Materials at ITC:


1.Compendium of Biomedical Instrumentation

2.Regression Methods in Biostatistics

3.How to Write and Illustrate a Scientific Paper

4.Intuitive Biostatistics

5.Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology

6.Biostatistics for Dummies

7.Modern Plumbing

8.Basics of 3D printing

9.Medical Equipment Maintenance

10.Maintenance and Repair of Laboratory, Diagnostic, Imaging, and Hospital Equipment



Laboratory tasks specially developed by Non-conventional Ventilatory Team (NVT) at the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering at the Czech Technical University in Prague for education at the University of Health Sciences and the Institute of Technology of Cambodia





1. Gas distribution system and proper handling with air-compressor

2. Electro-Pneumatics in air distribution systems

3. Air drier in distribution systems

4. Pressure, pressure reducing valve and manipulation with pressure vessel

5. Valves in medicine

6. Vacuum, suction units in medicine

7. Gas blending in medicine

8. Humidifiers and Nebulizers

9. Torricelli’s law

10. Water pumps



Fluid Mechanics



1. Pneumatic resistance R – properties and parallel to electrical resistance

2. Flow resistance – Reynolds number, Hagen-Pouissel equation

3. Obstructive flow measurement

4. Other types of flow meters

5. Compliance

6. Automatic measurement of a compliance

7. Acoustic weight, Resonant circuits

8. Electro Acoustic analogies

9. Bernoulli equations, Losses in the pipeline

10. Static, stagnation a dynamic pressure – Pitot tube




PNEHYKUR is a pneumatic and hydraulic kit specially developed by Non-conventional Ventilatory Team (NVT) at the Faculty of biomedical engineering (FBME) CTU in Prague for teaching Fluid Mechanics and Plumbing. PNEHYKUR kit contains the main computer called Meluzína, connectors and adapters, pressure sensors, electromagnetic solenoids, and pneumatic components.


Instructions for the preparation of 3D models for 3D printing



  • 3D models for the laboratory tasks
  • 3D printer, functions, abilities and limitations
  • Materials – PLA, ABS
  • Preparation for 3D printing, pre-processing
  • Installation of the Prusa Slicer program
  • Work in the Prusa Slicer program
  • Preparing the 3D printer
  • Calibration of the Z-axis and the first layer
  • Initiation & process of 3D printing
  • After 3D printing
  • Postprocessing of printed models
  • Maintenance of 3D printer and preparing for another printin
  • Troubleshooting
  • Tips and tricks


Medical Equipment Training – 28th March 2024


Fluid Mechanics Training – 24th January 2023


Fluid Mechanics basics in Powerpoint Presentation



  • Air Compressor
  • Air Distribution System
  • High Pressure
  • Pressure and Flow Measurements
  • Calculations
  • Saturated Water Vapor Pressure


Device User Manual:


ECG SE-601

Ventilator T75

Pulse Oximeter CMS60C

Electrotherapy Etius

Electrocoagulator BM 125

Electrical safety analyzer MDtest

Infusion Pump MP-60

Syringe pump MP-30

Digital Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor HEM907

Simulator MS100

Simulator MS200

Simulator MS400

Patient monitor X10

Suction unit ASPEED 2

Spirometer spirobankII

Weiging Scale T-scale

Defibrillator S5

Oscilloscope SDS1000